The Lingraphica Blog

Get the latest news, updates, and tricks from the Lingraphica team. Our clinical, reimbursement, and marketing teams will bring you the most up-to-date information about aphasia, speech therapy, stroke rehabilitation, and communication disorders. Check back often for new content!

Primary Progressive Aphasia Study from Washington, DC

Lingraphica co-founder and chief scientist, Dr. Richard Steele, summarizes the recent findings from a primary progressive aphasia study out of Washington, DC. Read on for the details.

Aphasia Study from Boston University

Lingraphica co-founder and chief scientist, Dr. Richard Steele, summarizes the recent findings from an aphasia study from Boston University. Read on for the details.

Aphasia Study from Argentina

Lingraphica co-founder and chief scientist, Dr. Richard Steele, summarizes the recent findings from an aphasia study in Argentina. Read on for the details.

Aphasia Study from Norway

Lingraphica co-founder and chief scientist, Dr. Richard Steele, summarizes the recent findings from an aphasia study in Norway. Read on for the details.

Article Documents Benefits of Telerehabilitation Involving Lingraphica’s TalkPath Therapy

Lingraphica’s co-founder and chief scientist, Richard Steele, recently co-authored a study, published in Aphasiology, that documents the effectiveness of telerehabilitation when combined with home practice via TalkPath Therapy—a free, online service.  Read on for details.

Aphasia Study from Sweden

Lingraphica co-founder and chief scientist, Dr. Richard Steele, summarizes the recent findings from an aphasia study in Sweden. Read on for the details.

Research Shows AAC Devices Improve Functional Communication – Download the eBook

Backed by more than 30 years of research, Lingraphica created an eBook that shows AAC devices improve functional communication. Read on for the science behind our products.  

New Study Shows Adults With Chronic Aphasia Improve With Teletherapy

For many years it was widely believed post-stroke survivors with aphasia would essentially plateau six months into their recovery. In an effort to test this assumption and support the community of adults with chronic aphasia, we studied the effectiveness of our speech-generating devices in the recovery and improvement of speech for adults with aphasia long after onset. Our research proved that adults can improve significantly beyond six months with the help of a speech device.

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